Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sips That Make A Poison Woman

My first book of poems is published!
Available on amazon uk. Follow the link by clicking on the title.


Liar said...

I will tell you a lie: "I wasn't the first one to buy your book"

do you have the copyright for using the image?

just kidding ;

keep up the good work and Let your Amazon* of new books flood the Amazon – and I pray god that may all those books be completely sold -----even in upcoming turbulent times of the so called European recession.

And soon may you become rich like J.K.Rowling – you got a lot in common you know j.k- Manchester to London, a.s – Madras to Lancaster, j.k , a.s both were writer/waitress in café.

And as soon as your books become best sellers kindly donate some money for the preservation of Mahabalipuram*

*The imagination of this commenter can be attributed to the fact that geologists have recently found an amazon beneath the amazon – if you still disbelieve you can google you know.

*Mahabalipuram – whenever I see an image like the one on your book…it reminds me of a funny incident that happened so many years before in Mahabalipuram… Incase I meet Rita I well convey her your success story. Even she would be so proud of you.

All my regards to the Bardess of Lancaster

Anonymous said...

amazon says "out of stock"....
got sold so quickly....
lots of fans eagerly waiting ....